We offer a series of thematic workshops to address all the challenges of family expatriation.
These workshops, which can bring together several participants, are intended for human resources departments, expatriate associations or educational establishments wishing to be inform about the challenges and benefits of expatriation with a family.
Each workshop is independent and addresses a theme specific to family expatriation.
New arrival, new start: managing transitions
Expatriation is an upheaval for each member of the family. Everyone will lose their bearings and discover new ones. Knowing all the phases of the transition makes it possible to better manage mobility, to better support each other throughout the process and to go through the stages of change more calmly.
Expatriate children: Third Culture Kids
Living their childhood in a cultural context different from that of their parents as well as a regularly changing environment, influence the emotional and psychological development of the expatriate children. The Third Culture, a synthesis of their native culture and that of their host countries, becomes theirs: the one they share with other children raised abroad. Knowing the characteristics of this culture allows better understanding of the atypical development of these children.
Multilingualism: benefits and challenges
A workshop to understand the challenges of multilingualism. Seen as an asset in adulthood, multilingualism can be both a destabilizing component for our children and a great source of personal growth.
Culture shock management
When you arrive or return from expatriation, culture shock is almost inevitable. This workshop aims to make you discover this expatriation curve in depth and give you the levers to successfully cross all culture shock stages.
The return of expatriation: a new challenge
Expatriating also means coming back one day. While it seems obvious to be prepared for the departure, we often underestimate the difficulty of the return. Finally we go “home”! And yet … fully understanding the challenges of returning from expatriation is essential to mitigate the difficulties.
Adolescence and Expatriation
Sometimes lived as an uprooting, sometimes as an opportunity, expatriation is an impactful experience for teenagers. At this key stage of personality building, any change can be a source of discomfort, conflict or fulfilment. This workshop covers the themes of adolescence during expatriation to help you understand what this implies for them when they are taken to the other side of the world.
The expatriate spouse
Leaving everything to go with your family to live in a new country can be destabilizing for the spouse of an expatriate employee: loss of status, loss of work, feeling of loneliness, upset of family balance or difficulty in integration are the obstacles which expatriate spouses are often faced with. To put an end to these frustrations, we examine together the tracks of the professional and / or personal success of the spouse.
The keys to a successful expatriation
All the strategies, tips, tricks and other secrets of a happy expatriation!